For more on the activities of Free-mo in our area, visit the NJ Free-mo web page.
This web site is for information, stories, how-to's and other things relating to my model railroad, featuring the rail lines in and around St. Johnsbury, Vermont circa 1980. The model railroad features the Maine Central, Boston & Maine, Canadian Pacific and Lamoille Valley, as well as a little bit of the Central Vermont, Grand Trunk and North Stratford Railway. Feel free to comment after each posting. Also be sure to visit my main web site located at nekrailroad.com.
Excellent idea for modules Mike- I myself just did a module last summer.Its first display was at a show in November - http://theumg.wordpress.com/2008/11/17/dartmoth-show-08-the-skinnythe-poopthe-lowdown/
our next show will be first week April.Have fun building your modules Mike.Looking forward to seeing more in your future posts.Cheers.
Wayne Woodland
Mike, I like it, may have to build one myself just to give me another reason to come up.
Also reviewed your progress on the Free-MO spot.
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