Another fun time down at the train show in Timonium, MD, with the guys from Capitol Free-mo. I arrived early Saturday morni ng and most of the layout was already set up from Friday night. An obvious gap in the layout indicated where I needed to put my modules. By 9am we had trains rolling on what I think might be the largest Free-mo layout we have assembled as a group. Here is a picture of my module fully set up within the layout. You can see the new interchange shelf I built in the foreground. I also have a clamp on shelf, which is actually left over L-girder benchwork! I plan to make a proper and painted clamp on shelf before the next show. It comes in real handy.
Woodstown Junction in the Capitol Free-mo layout. |
Even though I bring a stool, my legs get mighty tired after two days of this show. As you can see the layout goes on a ways. in the distance is the Steel Mill modules of Jim Musser, as well as some interesting curved sections. Way off but unseen is a staging module Jim built just for this show. This made operations possible and we did run some car card and waybill ops on Saturday. The next picture is a reverse look at my modules. There is only one long module on the layout after mine, beyond the truss bridge, Boston Street, which will feature car ferry operations.Up front on the left you can see my in progress corn syrup plant. Once completed, this first section of the module set will be complete, minus a few more scenery details which can always be added.

I used a piece of styrene to represent a parking lot that helps conceal the gap between section 1 and section 2. Here you can see the basic piece with a little weathering. I need to add a guard rail, parking stops, and lines to finish it off, but it does a good job so far. The ice machine is from Nick & Nora, a neat little detail item. The 7up machine is just a photo printed and glued to a styrene block.The GP40-2W is by Atlas which I weathered. One of the reasons I decided to build the modules is so I could run some newer equipment like this that does not fit on the layout (circa 1980).

Speaking of hiding module joints, before the NEFF show, I took time to rebuild the ends that mate between sections 1 and 2 and also put in alignment pins from C&L Finescale. this helped get a better flush finish so I could run the scenery to edge better, and also allows for easier set up and alignment. With that done I want to work on securing my rail ends to PC tie boards and run them to the end to eliminate the fitter rails. Heer is is a look at the new ends.
New birch plywood added to the end and alignment pin hardware installed. |
This is the hardware I used, ordered from England. |
One other interesting note from the Timonium show. One member is on a work assignment in Afghanistan but was able to construct a module there using available materials and some shipped in scenery and track. He boxed up the module to send back home and when he got back he brought it to the show. Just goes to show you that if there is a will to do some model railroading, there is a way!
I took video of the layout from my iCar and you can check that out on YouTube:
Capitol Free-mo Layout, October 2012 -
What you-all should buy are those rubber sectional mats for standing on, e.g. Everyone should bring 2 of those with each module, for people to stand on. You'll be very pleasantly surprised how much difference that makes.
I'm sorry I didn't stop by last month, I was kinda rushed since my wife was also away, and the dog was left alone in the house (which can be A Bad Thing... :-)
Very nice. I'd love to see a Free-mo set up. I think I'll borrow your parking lot to hide the joint trick on my oNeTrak modules.
Really looks great and glad I stopped for a few to peruse in person. Will you also be at the Feb show?
Thank goodness you are still active! A 6 year old printout of your report of the Northeast Kingdom is one of my prized references for my dream layout, and its bibliography populated at least 3/4 of my railroad library.
Thank you thank you, and thank you for the work that you have done.
Thank goodness you are still active! A 6 year old printout of your report of the Northeast Kingdom is one of my prized references for my dream layout, and its bibliography populated at least 3/4 of my railroad library.
Thank you thank you, and thank you for the work that you have done.
Thanks Terry,glad that you have found that so useful.
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